Dan Wilson

“Hope Descending”


Dan Wilson is an award-winning artist who focuses on spiritual, patriotic and uplifting art. His work can be found nationwide in costco, Deseret book, art galleries and in LDS temples across the globe. “I only want to paint images that speak to and uplift the viewer, art that highlights the beauties of life and the reasons for existence. Vibrant and muddy colors with variant strokes and textures all working together with the disciplines of art to create beauty and emotion you can’t achieve in any other way.” Wilson’s work ranges from wildlife and landscape to figurative and scripture narrative murals. “Every good creation on this earth can be painted in such a way to point the viewer back to the original creator”. Dan paints and teaches drawing and painting workshops out of his art studio in Lehi Utah where he is supported by his beautiful wife and six children.


Instagram: @dan.wilson.art